Senin, 29 April 2013

Ninjago Birthday Cake

Ini yang ulangtahun sebenernya keponakan saya, tapi si Win juga heboh tiup lilin, potong kue, nyanyi2 sampe berdoa segala, hahahaa.. Berhubung kakaknya udah 8tahun, jadi ga berebutan deh hehehee..
Base cake brownies kukus filling strawberry jam, cover pakai whipcream, disiram choco ganache, hiasan coklat warna biru dan kuning dicetak bentuk lego, dan mainan Ninjago. 
Happy 8th birthday my dear Arthur. God bless you! *peluuukk*

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Chef and Spaghetti Meatballs Birthday Cake

Pesanan mendadak dangdut nih, pesen 1hari sebelum diambil... phewhhh.. untung ga terlalu ribet ini, cuma melintir2in pastanya aja yg puyeng ehhehee.. 
Anyway, base cake brownies kukus yg menjadi andalan, cover full fondant.
Thanks yaa neng Zefina ;)

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Princess cake (part 2)

Ini pesenan mamanya David yang kedua, hihiii..
Base cake sekarang rasa mocca, filing dan cover vanilla buttercream.
Thankyou ya bu, udah pesen lagi ;)
P.S: sebenernya pesan bento juga 50pack, tapi ga sempet kefoto, soalnya buru-buru udah mau dianter, jadi kelupaan deh fotonya -.-"

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Boobs cake (naughty cake)

It's just a cake ;D my first naughty cake hihiii...
Base cakenya blackforest, cover full fondant.

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Family themed cupcakes

Base cake coklat, cover full fondant.
Thank you Gabby for ordering ;)

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Princess cake (part 1)

Princess cake pesanan mamanya temen skolah Win ;D 
Base cake coklat, cover dan filling pakai vanilla buttercream.
Thank you for ordering ya mamanya David ;)

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Boss Themed cake and cupcakes

Base cake dan cupcakesnya pakai brownies kukus, cover full fondant.
Thankyou Ecy for ordering ;)

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Eiffel tower and M&M's lover cake

Base cake coklat, filling choco ganache, cover vanilla buttercream.
Thank you dear Stany for ordering, again and again ;)

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Rabu, 03 April 2013

Law Theme Cupcakes

9 pcs Cupcakes set full fondant. Base cake brownies kukus.

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Happy Birthday Ayah

12 Cupcakes full fondant, base cake red velvet.
For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Brownies Kukus

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email

Fruity Rainbow Cake

For more info please call/text me 081298199955 (pin bb by request) or send email